Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Madonna-Whore Complex
Something I found interesting while looking at which scene to do for the textual analysis is the contrast between the way in which the protagonist Kitten cross-dresses. It reminded me of the Madonna-Whore complex. Towards the end of the film Kitten dresses conservativley to go and see his mother and also while living with his father, the priest, behaves in a way which echoes the actions of the maid earlier in the film by bringing in the milk. (S)he also is shown at both the beginning and end of the film pushing a pram with a baby, completing the typical domestic role of housewive and mother.
In contrast, at points during the film Kitten seems to become the 'whore'. During a night out (s)he wears bright red high heels and a red coat which connotes sexuality and confidence. At one time Kitten is, literally, a whore when picked up by a man whilst 'curb-crawling' in London. (S)he also becomes part of a peep show. Yet, in both instances Kitten is still not portrayed as 'bad'. In the peep show Kitten is shown writing a letter to her friend and seems uninterested in pleasing customers.
It will be interesting to research into if other theories for representations of females apply to male-to-female cross-dressers too.


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