Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

Genre: Comedy/horror/musical
Plot: After Janet accepts Brad's marriage proposal, the happy couple drive away from Denton, Ohio, only to get lost in the rain. They stumble upon the castle of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a transvestite who is holding the annual convention of visitors from the planet Transsexual.
Starring: Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon
"Taken at face value, the film could be considered ground-breaking for its frank (albeit comical) depiction of subjects such as transvestism, homosexuality, cannibalism, voyeaurism, adultery and even incest... Nevertheless, the film did not do well initially when released."
However, since then, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" has become a cult film.
"Possibly the most famous and popular depiction of transvestism in the history of movies is Tim Curry’s iconic Frank-n-Furter, in the cult 1974 movie The Rocky Horror Show. Curry’s brilliant creation of brawny hussy-in-sussies has become an institution copied by millions of married middle-aged men at fancy dress parties throughout the world!Strangely this mixture of prima donna and man-woman grotesque, had an endearing quality and no doubt caused sexual consternation among many straight blokes who may have found Curry’s shapely stiletto strutting form, an arousing and confusing spectacle." -
Cross-dressing in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" could be classified as 'Transvestic Fetishism', although this form is usually undertaken by heterosexual males and protagonist Dr Frank-N-Furter is ambiguous in his sexuality. The above article suggests that transvestite Dr Frank-N-Furter may prove attractive to heterosexual males. However, this is an opinion expressed by a website predominantly aimed at homosexuals, who are often of the opinion that straight males have gay tendencies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiya! thanks for the comment i'll research into that!

i'm really liking your blog too, you gotta lend me a copy of this film looks very interesting ;)

i was also on the BFI website and there were quite a few articles on your text which could come in handy for you

Jatinder xxx

10:28 pm  

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